Sunday, August 7, 2011

MariRoxs' photostream

The Band jamming out.
checking out the water and the rocks.Father and son moment.Hi!so much xoxox'sThis is the actual sand and water between the wood of the board walk, Pretty cool eh?The right place to sit to just chill and watch the waves go by...
Focused!I found something in this bucket...Hey its me and the smurf! ;-)Found a plant in this garden! He is blooming so fastYou are the light in the darkness.Candles.
Dancing like Micheal Jackson! (Thriller)Yeah I'm cute.Serene.A scene from the NoteBook .Opto.It's the look in their eyes!

Photography has my heart.
Thru these pictures you could sense the emotions the people are feeling, quite enduring.
A pictures says a thousand words!
